Looking Back, Looking Forward | CARRY ON

"Looking Back, Looking Forward" is the first sermon in this series. 2 Timothy begins with Paul’s salutation to the young pastor as the apostle begins to bear his heart open in his final communication with his son in the faith. He reminds Timothy of legacy and reminds Timothy of their godly friendship in Jesus.

Baker Knapp

"Kingdom Come" is the third and final sermon in this series. Obadiah prophesies of a time that not just Edom, but all nations will fall to the mighty power and sovereignty of God. At the same time, God is not merely conquering all nations, but saving people from all nations.

Baker Knapp

"Family Feud" is the second sermon in this series. Edom is further condemned for their jealousy and rivalry with God's people. The pride we see in these people teaches us how to avoid such sin in our own lives, as we have sinful tendencies to want to see the downfall of others.

Baker Knapp
Pride Goes Before A Fall | THY KINGDOM COME

"Pride Goes Before A Fall" is the first sermon in this series. Obadiah is a prophet of God who issues a prophecy of wrath coming for the kingdom of Edom. Edom was a neighboring kingdom to Israel and a long-time foe to God’s people. After God’s people were exiled into Babylon, the sinful kingdom of Edom began to gloat in pride.

Baker Knapp
December 18, 520 BC | DWELL

"December 18, 520 BC" is the third sermon in this series. Haggai’s third and final prophecy is one of grace. He shows God’s people how they have failed to be faithful to the Lord, yet he promises that in spite of that they will be blessed by God. This blessing is undeserved and all of grace.

Baker Knapp
October 17, 520 BC | DWELL

"October 17, 520 BC" is the second sermon in this series. Haggai’s second prophecy is a command to make the temple beautiful and glorious. God commanded that the utmost care and generosity be added to beautify the gathering of His people in worship. The temple was a shadow of God’s plan to one day dwell in His people.

Baker Knapp
August 29, 520 BC | DWELL

"August 29, 520 BC" is the first sermon in this series. Haggai’s first prophecy is a command from the Lord to rebuild the temple. The temple was the center of worship in Jerusalem, but was destroyed when Israel was exiled into Babylonian captivity. Through God’s grace, God’s people would rebuild a place of public worship.

Baker Knapp
The Curse of Nineveh | LEGACY LOST

"The Curse of Nineveh" is the third sermon in this series. The final woes pronounced upon Nineveh would secure the coming wrath of God to their city. Nineveh would be destroyed and the fall of the Assyrian Empire would be a strong call of repentance to God’s people.

Baker Knapp