The Destruction of Nineveh | LEGACY LOST

"The Destruction of Nineveh" is the second sermon in this series. The destruction of Nineveh is described in poetic detail by Nahum before it happens. The prophet describes the issuing of divine wrath as payment for heinous sins committed for generations.

Baker Knapp
Introductions | LEGACY LOST

"Introductions" is the first sermon in this series. Nahum prophesies of God’s wrath coming for Nineveh. Nineveh had experienced repentance 150 years earlier when Jonah preached to them about the one, true God. But now, that legacy of repentance has been lost and God’s anger is on its way to the capital of Assyria.

Baker Knapp
Perseverance | HOPE x HOLINESS

"Perseverance" is the sixteenth sermon in this series. Peter finishes his second letter by calling Christians to persevere. In light of Jesus’ imminent return, we should live holy lives that are marked by good works, knowing scripture, and pressing forward as citizens of heaven.

Baker Knapp

"Return" is the fifteenth sermon in this series. Peter reminds his readers in his final words of the promise of Jesus’ return, something that the false teachers were denying. In their denial of the second coming, they lived how they wanted and therefore, awaited God’s judgment. In light of the truth of the second coming, we see God’s faithfulness and His patience.

Baker Knapp
Heretics | HOPE x HOLINESS

"Heretics" is the fourteenth sermon in this series. Peter continues his discourse on false teachers and the judgment that God will bring upon them. God makes it clear that false gospels will lead to destruction and shows us in the true faith that we need to make sure we are overcome by grace, rather than sin.

Baker Knapp
Judgment | HOPE x HOLINESS

"Judgment" is the thirteenth sermon in this series. Peter promises his readers based on scripture that false teachers will arise and sneak destructive heresies in with the gospel message. Comfort is found in history as God has always dealt with heretics and false teachers with his justice and wrath.

Baker Knapp
Reminder | HOPE x HOLINESS

"Reminder" is the twelfth sermon in this series. Peter reminds his readers of the holiness they’re called to live in and also the hope of the return of Jesus. Peter references back to the transfiguration to look forward to the promise of the second coming.

Baker Knapp

"Calling" is the eleventh sermon in this series. Peter writes a second letter to dispersed Gentile Christians and in his opening section he calls them to confirm their calling and election. God has sovereignly saved them by his grace so they should lean into that grace with holiness in their lives.

Baker Knapp