"Esther's Boldness" is the fourth sermon in this series. After Haman has sent out a decree for the destruction of the Jewish people, Mordecai laments for his people and sends to Queen Esther for help. We see Queen Esther give in to her convictions and God sanctifying her in this time or sorrow.
"Haman's Plot" is the third sermon in this series. In Esther 3 we see Mordecai take a stand, remembering the promises of God. Though by refusing to bend the knee, the enemy of God’s people plot to ensure their destruction as God’s covenanted people celebrate passover, remembering his promise of life.
"Esther Chosen" is the second sermon in this series. After Vashti’s removal a search for a new queen begins. We’re introduced to Esther, a young Jewish orphan being raised by her cousin. God’s favor is upon her as she is selected to be the next queen of the Persian Empire.
"Vashti Removed" is the first sermon in this series. The story of Esther begins in Persia with King Ahasuerus throwing a 6 month feast. Enraged by the refusal of the queen to show her beauty, Queen Vashti is divorced and banished from the kingdom, setting the stage for Esther’s providential entrance.
"Jesus Summarizes Law In Just Two Commandments" is the forty-fifth sermon in this series. In a final questioning (from the scribes this time) Jesus is asked which commandment is the greatest. Jesus says that loving the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength is the greatest commandment. He also adds a second great commandment: to love others as ourselves. If we keep these two commandments, we keep all commandments.
"Jesus Answers Questions About Heaven" is the forty-fourth sermon in this series. Jesus is confronted by the Sadducees with a question about heaven. They denied the reality of an afterlife so their question was intended to trap Jesus. Instead, Jesus corrects their thinking and teaches us something about the eternal God.
"Truth About Taxes" is the forty-third sermon in this series. Jesus discusses taxes and the right of ownership.
"Jesus Tells Story of Vineyard Tenants" is the forty-second sermon in this series. Jesus tells an interesting story of a man who places tenants on a vineyard. The lessons within the parable demonstrate Israel’s rejection of God’s prophets and the messiah and show that God has been gracious and longsuffering.