Elders Question Jesus’ Authority | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Elders Question Jesus’ Authority" is the forty-first sermon in this series. Jesus’ activity during the week leading up to His crucifixion leads the Sanhedrin to question Jesus’ authority. Jesus answers by asking a question of His own and leaves the ruling elders of Israel speechless.

Baker Knapp
Jesus Angry With Tree & Temple Crowds | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Jesus Angry With Tree & Temple Crowds" is the fortieth sermon in this series. Jesus shows indignation in an object lesson by cursing a fig tree and in his disdain for the greed that existed in the temple. Places meant for truth and worship had become places for pride and greed and Jesus would set it straight in a powerful way.

Baker Knapp
Bartimaeus of Jericho Now Able To See | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Bartimaeus of Jericho Now Able To See" is the thirty-eighth sermon in this series. In this last miracle before he enters Jerusalem, Jesus heals a blind man named Bartimaeus. As the crowds rebuke Bartimaeus for asking for mercy, Jesus shows him mercy by granting him sight.

Baker Knapp
Jesus Calls Rich To Generosity | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Jesus Calls Rich To Generosity" is the thirty-sixth sermon in this series. A rich, young ruler comes to Jesus asking him how to gain eternal life. Jesus’ answer confuses the apostles as well as we who hold to the doctrines of grace. He tells the man to sell all he has. Is the selling of wealth a requirement for salvation or is Jesus pointing us all to something greater?

Baker Knapp
Children Flock to Jesus | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Children Flock to Jesus" is the thirty-fifth sermon in this series. Jesus loves kids. He demonstrates this by his frustration seen when the disciples attempt to hinder children from coming to see Jesus. This short narrative reminds us that Jesus is never too busy for anyone and his love remains unconditional. Jesus takes the opportunity to teach the necessity of childlike faith.

Baker Knapp
Jesus Takes Stance On Divorce | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Jesus Takes Stance On Divorce" is the thirty-fourth sermon in this series. Jesus had some strong things to say about divorce. With the commonality of no-fault divorce in our culture, it can be an uncomfortable topic for the church today. More than merely seeing that God hates divorce, Jesus’ teaching shows us that God loves marriage.

Baker Knapp