"The Dream of a King" is the second sermon in this series. God supernaturally reveals some things to the king of Babylon through a dream. God then shows favor and faithfulness to His people through Daniel’s ability to explain the dream to the king.

Baker Knapp
The Setting | FAITH IN EXILE

"The Setting" is the first sermon in this series. The first chapter of the book of Daniel gives us the setting. Daniel, a 15 year old Hebrew boy, is taken into captivity in Babylon along with the rest of his nation. In exile, great tests of his faith await him.

Baker Knapp

"God's Covenant" is the twenty-fourth sermon in this series. Our God is a God of promises: a covenant God. After delivering the Levitical law, God gave clear foresight on what to expect and it was based upon obedience.

Baker Knapp
Caring For Land & People | UNFINISHED BUSINESS

"Caring For Land & People" is the twenty-third sermon in this series. The people of Israel were to care for the land that God was giving them and they were also to care for humanity. The principle being taught is that we honor the good things that God has given us but we reserve worship for God alone.

Baker Knapp
God’s Presence and Reverence | UNFINISHED BUSINESS

"God’s Presence and Reverence" is the twenty-second sermon in this series. God takes His name seriously. Leviticus 24 tells us of a man who didn’t take God’s name seriously and paid a high price for it. The same chapter also gives us details of similar reverence that was required to be in God’s presence in the tabernacle. With such a high importance placed on reverence in God’s presence, it’s even more remarkable that God has chosen to dwell within His church in the new covenant.

Baker Knapp
Offerings and Acceptable Worship | UNFINISHED BUSINESS

"Offerings and Acceptable Worship" is the twenty-first sermon in this series. The Old Testament saints were given meticulous laws of sacrifice to follow. Most notably, their sacrifices always had to be their best. Under God’s new covenant, the principle of giving our best as an act of worship remains.

Baker Knapp

"Annual Feasts" is the twentieth sermon in this series. Israel had a rigorous calendar consisting of several annual feasts. These feasts and holidays carried heavy spiritual significance and found their fulfillment in Jesus. Because Jesus fulfilled them, we don’t continue to observe them. But we can rejoice in the symbolism of a meal each time we eat.

Baker Knapp