"Planning Parenthood" is the nineteenth sermon in this series. Child sacrifice is one of the most detestable things touched on in the book of Leviticus. The nations around Israel offered their children as sacrifices to the false God Molech. In God’s laws concerning the family, we see God’s values of parenthood, childhood, sanctity of life, and honor for all.
"Holy Leadership" is the eighteenth sermon in this series. The priests were called to the utmost holiness and this call to holiness even overflowed into their personal lives. Under the new covenant, God has made all believers priests, which means that we’re all called to live in the utmost holiness.
"Miscellaneous Commandments" is the seventeenth sermon in this series. At times in God’s law, we come across lists of commandments. Some of them can be quite strange! In this sermon, we examine one such list and give the principles that God is teaching Israel in them as well as how they relate to us today.
"Love Neighbors as Ourselves" is the sixteenth sermon in this series. The command to love our neighbors as ourselves is foundational in our faith. Our expression of love to neighbors models Jesus’ love for us on a cross.
"Love God in Holiness" is the fifteenth sermon in this series. God’s people are called to holiness because God exists in perfect holiness. In the beginning, God created mankind in His image and in the redemptive narrative of scripture, God is restoring His people to that. The process of sanctification has to do with us becoming holy as God is holy.
"A Sermon on Sex" is the fourteenth sermon in this series. The law of Leviticus also includes laws about sex. These laws reveal God’s moral compass for His people when it comes to sexual relationships. When paired with New Testament teaching as well, it becomes clear that all sexual activity outside of biblical marriage is not to be named among God’s people.
"Life Is In The Blood" is the thirteenth sermon in this series. Chapter 17 of Leviticus begins the second section of the book which mainly focuses on various topics of holy living. First up is worship and how God warns His people of idolatry. He reminds them that they are to worship Him alone, by blood that serves as atonement, which is a foreshadowing of Christ.
"Day of Atonement" is the twelfth sermon in this series. The day of atonement was a once-a-year event for Israel to have atonement for their sins corporately. While sacrifices and ceremonies facilitate personal worship and atonement throughout the year, there was a need for corporate atonement as well. The sacrifice and removal of sin annually led God’s people to long for a once and for all atonement that was fulfilled in Jesus.