"Peace Offerings" is the third sermon in this series. The peace offering was an offering of communal fellowship. It culminated with a meal among the worshippers and the priests. It reflected peace with God as well as peace with one another in community.
"Grain Offerings" is the second sermon in this series. The grain offering represented the joyful giving of worship to God. As we see here, the gospel reminds us of our removed sin and brings us joyfully into worship.
"Burnt Offerings" is the first sermon in this series. Worship happens on God’s terms, not ours. And God opens the book of Leviticus by making it clear that His righteous wrath must be appeased before worship can happen.
"Psalm 13" is the eighteenth sermon in this series. We all get tired and worn out. Many of us struggle to find the energy to do things we have to do in life, let along finding the energy to do things in the church. Life can feel like a hamster wheel, but the gospel reminds us of God’s faithfulness during the long race of life.
"Psalm 12" is the seventeenth sermon in this series. As we continued our series through psalms of lament, Pastor Justin Honaker from Lebanon, VA joined us this Sunday and preached from Psalm 12.
"Psalm 6" is the sixteenth sermon in this series. Anxiety and fear are natural emotions and when responded to correctly, lead us into a deeper relationship with our Creator. This psalm of David shows us that anxiety and fear aren’t feelings to be ashamed of, but rather feelings to be met with the gospel.
"Burning Ears" is the sixteenth sermon in this series. John finishes his third letter by commending one man and condemning another. This condemnation and commendation show us that we will have a reputation among others and we need to make sure that it is Christ-like.
"Gospel Hospitality" is the fifteenth sermon in this series. Gaius gives us an example of biblical hospitality in equipping God's people for a global mission. When we honor the Lord's servants, the Lord is glorified.