"2 John" is the fourteenth sermon in this series. 2 John is a letter that came soon after 1 John, but this letter is to a local congregation. Where as the first letter was written to a region, this is written to ONE CHURCH within that region.
"Assurance For Us & The Brothers" is the thirteenth sermon in this series. Two main themes of John’s first letter culminate in the concluding passage: assurance of salvation and brotherly love. We can know and be confident of our own salvation and that leads us into radical care for one another in the church.
"Can I Get A Witness?" is the twelfth sermon in this series. Christianity is a verifiable faith. John reminds the church that eternal testimonies exist verifying that Jesus is the Messiah. These three witnesses, the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood, not only verified Jesus during His ministry but they also verify who are His saints today.
"A Chain of Assurance" is the eleventh sermon in this series. The theme of 1 John is highlighted and summarized well at the beginning of chapter five. We see that there is great assurance for those who have committed their lives to Christ. In light of that, we love God and His law. Serving Him is not burden for His children.
"The Power of Love" is the tenth sermon in this series. God’s love is pervasive and influences every part of our lives: our worship, our relationships, our mission. We have the ability to love only because of God’s love being placed within us and a right view of that love will lead us to deep worship and fervent mission.
"A War Raging" is the ninth sermon in this series. There are many false teachers that promote counterfeit gospels around our world. John is clear that these counterfeit gospels have their source in the spirit of antichrist and Christians must be able to identify heresy to call it out and avoid it.
"Love & War" is the eighth sermon in this series. Genuine believers love genuinely. The gospel changes our hearts to the point that we can properly love God as well as love others. John points out that true believers are reassured of their salvation by their love for one another.
"A Child of God" is the seventh sermon in this series. John seeks to encourage the church by asking the readers, to “remember the kind of love the Father has given us.” Each of us go through trials, face persecution, and even doubt our own salvation due to our struggle with sin. John reminds the reader that if they are born again, and they abide in Christ, they are His children. Scripture makes it clear that for us to find purity and innocence, we must be in Christ, where there is no sin.