"Don’t Stop Believin’" is the sixth sermon in this series. John wrote to churches who had seen people leave and begin teaching heresies. John is quick to point out that although they were in the church, they were never really of the church, and their false teaching is rooted in the spirit of antichrist.
"Desires Reveal Our Hearts" is the fifth sermon in this series. What we love shows who we love. When we love the things of the world, we show that we really just love ourselves. When we love heavenly things, we show that we are in Christ.
"Something Old, Something New" is the fourth sermon in this series. John writes that a central commandment to the Church is brotherly and sisterly love. God has called us to model His unconditional love within the church and extending from the church. When we live in this way, the witness of the church shines into a dark world.
"Follow The Leader" is the third sermon in this series. Christ is the Head of the Church and, as such, our lives ought to model His commands. When we live as God desires of us, we model the gospel and bring glory to God through the way we live.
"Walk This Way" is the second sermon in this series. After John reminds us of who God is, he reminds us how we’re supposed to live in light of that. We are to walk in the holiness of God, in fellowship with Him, and in continual repentance.
"Cut To The Chase" is the first sermon in this series. John’s first epistle jumps right into the heart of the letter: reminding Christians of their hope in the gospel and bringing assurance of salvation.
"Psalm 111" is the fifteenth sermon in this series. God’s works are majestic and they should lead us to lifestyles of praise. The fact that God even lets us peer into the work that He is doing in His creation is remarkable! The psalmist sings praises to the One who is able to work all things to His glory.
"Psalm 1" is the thirteenth sermon in this series. The psalms that focus on wisdom teach us through song and poetry how we can lead lives that are wise in God's eyes. The first psalm reminds us that there are really only two cleat paths our lives can follow: the way of the wicked or the way of the righteous.