Immanuel | THE KINGDOM

"The Kingdom" is our sermon series through Isaiah. "Immanuel" is the fifth sermon in this series. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

Baker Knapp
Holiness & Sin | THE KINGDOM

"The Kingdom" is our sermon series through Isaiah. "Holiness and Sin" is the fourth sermon in this series. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

Baker Knapp
Branches & Vineyard | THE KINGDOM

"The Kingdom" is our sermon series through Isaiah. "Branches & Vineyard" is the third sermon in this series. Isaiah uses a beautiful and poetic metaphor of a vineyard to describe the Lord’s relationship with Israel. God had done everything needed to grow holy spiritual fruit, but the sin of the people had corrupted the vineyard. Hope is placed in a coming Branch who would turn the remnant righteous. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

Baker Knapp
Judah vs. Jerusalem | THE KINGDOM

"The Kingdom" is our sermon series through Isaiah. "Judah vs. Jerusalem" is the second sermon in this series. Judah + Jerusalem had an inescapable judgement coming for them. In his poetic dissertation on this judgement, Isaiah juxtaposes a masculine and feminine word to show how God will remove the ungodly men as well as the ungodly women. Judah was already wounded, but ultimately Jerusalem would fall as well. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

Baker Knapp
Purifying Fire | THE KINGDOM

"The Kingdom" is our sermon series through Isaiah. "Purifying Fire" is the first sermon in this series. Fiery wrath from God is promised from the beginning of Isaiah. This wrath is pictured as a purifying fire that will purge God’s remnant from the enemies that are among them. Within this promised coming judgement lies the beckoning of God to repentance and spiritual cleansing. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

Baker Knapp
Victory Promised for God’s People | RESTORING THE REMNANT

"Restoring the Remnant" is our sermon series through Micah. "Victory Promised for God’s People" is the twelfth sermon in this series. Micah concludes his book of prophecy with a prediction of a return from exile and ultimate victory for God’s people. More than a mere physical victory, he emphasizes a spiritual victory, where God forgives the iniquity of his people. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

Baker Knapp

"Restoring the Remnant" is our sermon series through Micah. "The City of God" is the eleventh sermon in this series. Micah is in despair as he sees his people ceasing to love the Lord and others. As for himself, he dedicates himself to God’s Kingdom and glory. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

Baker Knapp
Hopeless Guilt of the Wicked | RESTORING THE REMNANT

"Restoring the Remnant" is our sermon series through Micah. "Hopeless Guilt of the Wicked" is the tenth sermon in this series. Time had run out for the sinners of Israel and Judah to repent. God cries to them and tells them he has already appointed a rod of discipline and his wrath would surely come. Their failure is recorded by Micah for the remnant to see as a warning to not walk in the path of the wicked. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

Baker Knapp