"His Playlist" is our sermon series through selected Psalms. "Psalm 127" is the thirtieth sermon in this series. Psalm 127 is a song written by Solomon that celebrates the gift of children. He makes it clear that God is the one who provides our families and churches with children and we are to first, be grateful and second, make sure that we equip them to advance the kingdom of God. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!
"Saints & Villains" is our sermon series through Genesis. "A Nation Is Born" is the thirty-fourth sermon in this series. Jacob blesses and prophesies over each of his 12 sons before he dies. Joseph explains God’s sovereign plan and the nation of Israel is established and set to grow in Egypt, as the book of Genesis concludes. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!
"Saints & Villains" is our sermon series through Genesis. "A Nation Is Born" is the thirty-fourth sermon in this series. Jacob blesses and prophesies over each of his 12 sons before he dies. Joseph explains God’s sovereign plan and the nation of Israel is established and set to grow in Egypt, as the book of Genesis concludes. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!
"Saints & Villains" is our sermon series through Genesis. "The Sons of Jacob Settle" is the thirty-third sermon in this series. Jacob and his sons settle in the land of Goshen, just north of the seat of power in Israel. The family will remain there for generations and grow into a large nation, setting the stage for Exodus. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!
"Saints & Villains" is our sermon series through Genesis. "Joseph Reunites with Family" is the thirty-second sermon in this series. Famine leads Joseph’s brothers to Egypt to buy food for their families. Providentially, they are led straight to Joseph in their dealings, yet they do not recognize him. Joseph carries out a series of tests and experiences a range of emotions. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!
"Saints & Villains" is our sermon series through Genesis. "Joseph Tests His Brothers" is the thirty-first sermon in this series. Famine leads Joseph’s brothers to Egypt to buy food for their families. Providentially, they are led straight to Joseph in their dealings, yet they do not recognize him. Joseph carries out a series of tests and experiences a range of emotions. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!
"Saints & Villains" is our sermon series through Genesis. "Joseph’s Rise to Power" is the thirtieth sermon in this series. As a prisoner, Joseph is able to interpret some dreams of his cell mates. Through sovereign circumstances, he is eventually released to stand before Pharaoh and interpret the king’s dreams. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!
"Saints & Villains" is our sermon series through Genesis. "Potiphar’s Wife" is the twenty-ninth sermon in this series. Joseph is bought as a slave by the captain of the Egyptian guard and quickly becomes the favorite servant of his house. But Joseph is tempted with sexual sin over and over and is wrongfully accused of misconduct—a trap that will land him in the king’s prison. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!