Jewish Courts Demand Execution | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Jewish Courts Demand Execution" is the fifty-sixth sermon in this series. Jesus stands trial before the Sanhedrin, which was the ruling council of elders for the nation of Israel. They were the Jewish center of religious and political power. Christ’s profession of Messiahship leads them to call for his execution.

Baker Knapp
Witnesses Claim Jesus is Under Great Distress | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Witnesses Claim Jesus is Under Great Distress" is the fifty-fourth sermon in this series. Jesus comes under great anxiety and distress in the Garden of Gethsemane. He prays to the Father that the cup of wrath be removed from Him. Nevertheless, He submits to the will of the Father as His hour of arrest comes.

Baker Knapp

"Stories of a Savior" is our sermon series through Mark. "Predictions of Denial" is the fifty-third sermon in this series. Jesus prophesies that His disciples will flee when He is arrested and crucified. This is shocking news to them and they wonder how it could be true. They express their devotion to their master in these final hours. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

Baker Knapp
Jesus Begins a New Tradition | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Jesus Begins a New Tradition" is the fifty-second sermon in this series. At the Last Supper Jesus instituted what we commonly now call communion. This tradition of the church looks back to Jesus’ death, celebrates His presence among His church, and anticipates His return.

Baker Knapp
Jesus and His Twelve Celebrate Passover Locally | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Jesus and His Twelve Celebrate Passover Locally" is the fifty-first sermon in this series. Jesus gathers His disciples in an upper guest room to eat the Passover meal together, famously known as the last supper. Jesus reveals His knowledge of His coming betrayal and tells His disciples more details of how His arrest will come to pass.

Baker Knapp
Jesus Anointed in Small Ceremony in Bethany | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Jesus Anointed in Small Ceremony in Bethany" is the fiftieth sermon in this series. Jesus gathers with his disciples once again in the presence of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. At this dinner in Bethany, Mary anoints Jesus for his upcoming burial with an alabaster flask of costly nard ointment.

Baker Knapp
Jesus Advises Staying Alert Until the End | STORIES OF A SAVIOR

"Jesus Advises Staying Alert Until the End" is the forty-ninth sermon in this series. Jesus continues His teaching on the Mount of Olives to His disciples about the coming destruction and tribulation and He also alludes to the comfort believers can have about His second coming.

Baker Knapp