"Accusations of Lack of Hand Washing" is the twenty-fifth sermon in this series. Jesus is confronted in the Gennesaret region by the scribes and Pharisees over breaking the longstanding tradition of the elders by not ceremonially washing hands before eating after returning from the marketplace. He takes the opportunity to teach about tradition and where true defilement comes from.
"Disciples Claim Jesus Walked on Sea" is the twenty-fourth sermon in this series. One of Jesus’ most famous encounters with his disciples is when they encounter a storm on the Sea of Galilee and Jesus comes to them walking on the water. This miraculous moment becomes a teachable moment for Jesus and the twelve.
"Joy" is the fourth and final sermon in this series. We see redemption through the law, through love, and through family as we see Ruth and Boaz tied to the birth of Jesus.
"Love" is the third sermon in this series. Naomi encourages Ruth to make a move on Boaz. In an unconventional turn of events, Ruth proposes to Boaz in a climactic scene at the threshing floor.
"Peace" is the second sermon in this series. Boaz shows Ruth mercy by allowing her to glean in his fields. Furthermore, he goes beyond mere benevolent kindness to welcome her to his table. Boaz foreshadows the peace that Christ would bring and the benevolent mercy toward His people.
"Hope" is the first sermon in this series. Ruth has been regarded as one of the greatest short love stories ever told. In the opening chapter of Ruth, the scene is set for Ruth and Naomi’s ultimate arrival in Bethlehem. These women who have tragically lost their husbands come to the little town of Bethlehem looking for hope.
"Jesus Hosts Massive Meal" is the twenty-third sermon in this series. The story of feeding 5000 is more than miracle. It is a story where the disciples learn to rest in His power and encounter the powerful truth seen through scripture, that our Lord provides His people life by pursing death.
"John The Baptist Executed" is the twenty-second sermon in this series. King Herod’s run in with the Lord’s kingdom escalates with the execution of John the Baptist. John the Baptist, who is the forerunner of Jesus the Messiah, is martyred for standing for truth and morality. His example is one to follow and Herod’s example is one to avoid.