Spiritual Gifts | CHURCH UNITED

"Spiritual Gifts" is the second sermon in this series. All Christians are given spiritual gifts from God for the edification of His saints. We are to use the gifts given to us by God for the common good of the Church and ultimately to His glory.

Baker Knapp
Saints' Communion | CHURCH UNITED

"Saints' Communion" is the first sermon in this series. The table represents a lot in the Church. Our meals shared together as people of God remind us that we have been made family through the blood of Jesus. The Lord’s Supper helps us remember the atoning death of Jesus and often proclaim with anticipation His return.

Baker Knapp
Psalm 16 | I Don't Know

"I Don't Know" is stand-alone sermon from Psalm 16 for Easter Sunday. Jesus fulfilled many prophetic psalms through His death and resurrection. Psalm 16 echoed the promise that the Holy One of God would not be abandoned in the grave and would not see corruption. This foreshadowing of the resurrection is rooted in gospel hope.

Baker Knapp
Psalm 118 | HIS PLAYLIST

"Psalm 118" is the eleventh sermon in this series. Before Christ, the people of Yahweh awaited a savior. They sang about His coming, His victory, and His reign before it was realized. When Jesus came as the Christ, He did not fulfill prophecy the way most anticipated, but His promises remain; even stronger through His death and resurrection.

Baker Knapp
Psalm 110 | HIS PLAYLIST

"Psalm 110" is the tenth sermon in this series. Jesus is everything. Not only is He our king (the King of all Kings) but he is also our priest (High Priest). The Messiah prophesied throughout ages is Jesus and He rightfully rules and reigns, making intercession for us.

Baker Knapp

"Psalm 2" is the ninth sermon in this series. The nature of fallen man is rebellion. In our rebellion, we all seek to usurp our own will over the Lord’s will. The second psalm reminds us that the result of us resisting God is nothing less than His wrath. But this psalm also reminds us that there is great grace for those rebels who repent and kiss the Son.

Baker Knapp
Ladies and Gentlemen | CHURCH GONE WILD

"Ladies and Gentlemen" is the twelfth sermon in this series. Biblical Complementarianism is a doctrine that our church holds to and is rooted in scriptural evidence. Paul outlines to the church in Corinth some principles that show that men and women are equal in value but varied in function. Male leadership in the church and female support in the church should be some of our highest goals.

Baker Knapp
Major on the Majors | CHURCH GONE WILD

"Major on the Majors" is the eleventh sermon in this series. Paul reminds the Corinthians as he sums up the topic of Christian liberties that there are more important things than the tertiary issues that divide them. He reminds them to use wisdom with their liberties, but to prioritize God’s glory and the mission above all else.

Baker Knapp