By: Jason Cook

As providence would have it, my writing rotation for the New Heights blog fell after the weekend of Benjamin’s baptism, tailgate church and on the heels of the New Heights 10th Anniversary Gala.

The gala was wonderful. I was blessed to be part of the celebration of God’s faithfulness to the church. 10 years of New Heights. Through video segments and conversations, attendees shared memories of the first ten years of the church. Our family has been a part of the “2nd half” of New Heights first decade, so it was neat to hear about those first years. Many of those who were there in the beginning are no longer at New Heights, for a variety of reasons, but several remain. Who can know what New Heights will look like at 20 years? God willing, I am looking forward to seeing how the next ten years play out.

It should also be said that our table won the New Heights trivia challenge and the food was superb. So, there’s that.

Tailgate church was held on September 4. Tailgate church holds a special place in the hearts of many New Heights members, a theme which surfaced during the gala as members who appeared in the celebration video were asked about their favorite New Heights memories. Tailgate church lives up to the hype. There’s great music, great food, and always a great time with friends.

This year’s event was special for me on a whole other level though. Benjamin, my son, was baptized.

I find the joy of this moment difficult to capture in words. I know it is a moment I will never forget. We have been discussing baptism for the better part of this year and what it means to be a follower of Jesus. He had been preparing a lengthy speech about how much he loved God because he thought he had to give one at his baptism. He was relieved when I told him no speeches were required, but he asked if he still could tell people that he wanted to follow Jesus. I told him that would do just fine.

It’s hard not to think of Jesus’ own baptism when you baptize your son. Matthew recounts it this way in Chapter 3: 16-17 (ESV):

16 When Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately from the water. The heavens suddenly opened for him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming down on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased.”

Benjamin, my beloved son. He taught me unconditional loves and gives it in return. No matter what, I am proud of him.

Benjamin wanted to be baptized and he wanted me to be with him. And I was, in the bed of Chris Sowards truck with Pastor Will, Benjamin professed his faith to the world through his baptism, in the presence of his church community and friends.

That last part was important to Benjamin, as it was to me. He wanted his friends from church to be there which made tailgate church the perfect place to be baptized. Christian life is lived in community. Our community is New Heights. While I enjoy friendships and fellowship with many believers from many different churches and traditions, New Heights is home.

I still field questions from time to time about why I would consider moving from a place where I was in leadership and influence to a place where I was not. There are many factors, but it’s simple enough really. Being in a healthy church is more important to me that being in leadership. I can’t imagine life without my church.

So, I celebrate. I celebrate Benjamin’s baptism. I celebrate New Heights’ 10th Anniversary. I am thankful for my church. And I remain grateful for the goodness and mercy of God that makes celebration possible.

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